Wednesday, March 23, 2011

it's not so bad

Why is the American media so hateful recently. Everything seems like a huge rolling ball of inevitable doom.

I was just thinking about when I was younger. Lake Erie caught fire, the neighbors still had supplies in their basement bunker because of the cold war. We are richer, cleaner and far safer than we were back then, but you would think the sky was falling.

I know, I know, Japan is reeling from a triple whammy, the Muslim world is in a bit of turmoil, but frankly, it's not so bad. Well, ok, Japan will take a while to recover. But they will recover, they are a very stoic people, and face it, they have done this before.

Global warming, Aztec calendar (or is it Inca), blahdy blah. I am not worried, stop trying to freak me out.

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